Case Study

At ChinaDivision, we provide clients with streamlined and comprehensive services.

Case I. E-commerce

Client A had its own clothing brand and physical stores. In early 2018, client A decided to tap into e-commerce market so as to expand its sales network from the United States to the whole world.

In preparation for online sales, taking the advice from ChinaDivision, client A and ChinaDivision together worked out an appropriate sales model, and client A succeeded in building its own brand website.

ChinaDivision assisted client A in sourcing products in China according to target prices determined by client A. Once the goods were received, ChinaDivision took care of quality check, quantity check, inventory setting up, global shipping, overseas return’s handling & replacement etc. All details were updated in ChinaDivision’s system in real time for client A’s reference.

Client A had a wide range of products. ChinaDivision customized an exclusive logistics solution to flexibly select delivery channels and helped client A with fulfilling orders in the most cost-effective and fastest way. In addition, ChinaDivision kept updating orders’ data in real time ,which helped client A in having a better understanding of his market condition. Knowing the top-selling products in different countries and regions, client A was able to timely adjust its marketing strategy.

Over the past two years, ChinaDivision has been maintaining close cooperation with client A and has witnessed the success of client A’s online sale model together with its booming offline business.

Corporate clients A

Representatives of Client A visited our company and take a photo with our CEO and sales manager

Case II. Crowdfunding

In early 2018, client B initiated a crowdfunding project on Indiegogo. Five months later, since the rewards were almost ready, client B looked for a partner to deliver the rewards to each backer.

ChinaDivision got the request from client B. According to the order details provided by client B, ChinaDivision quickly sorted out delivery information of all backers, classified orders by countries, and worked out the optimal shipping cost to satisfy the needs of client B. Due to the huge quantity of rewards, instead of directly shipping the rewards to backers, the manufacturer delivered the rewards to the warehouse of ChinaDivision, which helped client B with saving much money on shipping.

After receiving the rewards, ChinaDivision helped client B with taking care of assembly work and customizing packing materials with logo so that the backers can easily recognize the rewards at the time of receiving the parcels.

ChinaDivision completed packing rewards and delivered more than one thousand orders in a day. The outstanding performance of ChinaDivision was highly appraised by client B.

Corporate clients B

Case III. B2C Women’s Dresses Online Shop

Client R is the owner of a world-famous women’s dresses brand. In early development, he chose to hire staff to ship to customers individually after their China-based suppliers ship goods to their own warehouse, which is less than satisfactory due to high warehouse rental rates, labor cost and import tax. A turning point came in cooperating with ChinaDivision - breakthroughs are made in sales volume, down cost together with customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Comparison Own warehouse and shipping Chinadivision Service
Logistics Sometimes delay We select the best cost-effective shipping method to assure timely arrival
Inventory Not well organized, always receive complaints about wrong or missing pieces Realize professional and real time inventory management via API, plugins and WMS
Cost High expenses for warehouse rental rates and labor cost FREE warehousing for the first three months.Handling fees are charged at moderately lower prices for each parcel shipped
Import Tax High FREE for parcel

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Sales Volume: with a growth rates of as high as 350% .

Cost Down: cut down 35%

Customer Satisfaction: complaint rates dropped by 70%

Case IV. Amazon Seller

Client E is a vendor on Amazon, selling electronic products. At very beginning, he hadn’t developed the sense of brand awareness, which is reflected by the poor performance in sales and profit. Things changed since ChinaDivision provides solutions as below:

Solutions and Service Value ChinaDivision
Customized Boxes We enable you to brand yourself with customized boxes, envelopes and labels to bring your customers a memorable purchasing experience
Marketing Inserts We help to add package inserts, including Flyers,Newsletters, Greeting cards, Giveaway products upon your specific demands
Package Design We offer to provide package design for designated product as well as shipment and gift package on key dates,such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day,and Christmas especially.

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Sales Volume: with a growth rates of as high as 250% .

Profit: increased by 30%

Customer Loyalty: have a great source of regular customers

To streamline the one-stop sourcing processes and to ensure speed to market, after the local procurement is completed, if you need ChinaDivison’s professional logistical services, FREE warehousing for 30 days and product shipping follows up.

Professional Chinese Product Sourcing Agent Team

With the procurement capabilities of Chinadivision, you will have a professional team of experts who purchase products from China, building a good communication bridge for you. You will not need to come to China to have a detailed understanding of the production and quality issues of Chinese products, assist in judging and verifying the reliability of suppliers, find the most favorable prices in low-cost countries, solve cross-border procurement problems, save costs, and expand your business into new fields.

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