Chinadivision的API 集成为企业提供无缝自动化、实时数据访问和可扩展的解决方案,从头到尾优化您的订单履行流程。
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
sku | string | yes | bodyParam | sku code | |
sn | string | yes | bodyParam | sn code | |
product_name | string | yes | bodyParam | product name | |
name_en | string | yes | bodyParam | product english name | |
name_cn | string | yes | bodyParam | product chinese name | |
price | float | yes | bodyParam | product price | |
size | string | yes | bodyParam | product size | |
color | string | yes | bodyParam | product color | |
brand | string | yes | bodyParam | product brand | |
material | string | no | bodyParam | product english material | |
material_cn | string | no | bodyParam | product chinese material | |
application | string | no | bodyParam | product english english | |
application_cn | string | no | bodyParam | product chinese application | |
hs_code | string | no | bodyParam | HS code |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
3 | Post data can not be empty | Post data can not be empty |
4 | Info data can not be empty | Info data can not be empty |
5 | Tracking Number and Package Number two must have a not null | Tracking Number and Package Number two must have a not null |
6 | service is temporarily unavailable | service is temporarily unavailable |
91 | Sku already exists | |
92 | Sn already is Used | |
101 | Sku can not be empty | |
102 | Sku can contain only numbers, letters, and hyphens (-) | |
103 | Sn can not be empty | |
104 | Sn can contain only numbers, letters, and hyphens (-) | |
105 | Product name can not be empty | |
106 | product chinese name can not be empty | |
107 | product english name can not be empty | |
108 | The price must be greater than 0 | |
109 | Size can not be empty | |
110 | Color can not be empty | |
111 | Brand can not be empty |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
order_id | string | yes | bodyParam | order id | |
first_name | string | yes | bodyParam | first name | |
last_name | string | yes | bodyParam | last name | |
ship_address1 | string | yes | bodyParam | ship address1 | |
ship_address2 | string | no | bodyParam | ship address2 | |
ship_city | string | yes | bodyParam | ship city | |
ship_state | string | yes | bodyParam | ship state | |
ship_zip | string | yes | bodyParam | ship zip | |
ship_country | string | yes | bodyParam | ship country | |
ship_phone | string | yes | bodyParam | ship phone | |
ship_email | string | no | bodyParam | ship email | |
quantity | int | yes | bodyParam | Total quantity | |
info | array | yes | bodyParam | Multiple parcels SKU information | |
shipping_method | string | no | bodyParam | Specify a shipping out method | |
vat | string | no | bodyParam | vat | |
inspection | int | yes | bodyParam | inspection status code 0:no need inspection,1:need inspection |
0 |
remark | string | no | bodyParam | remark | |
business_type | int | yes | bodyParam | business type | 1 |
specified_logistics_type | int | no | bodyParam |
specified logistics type 0:no need specified logistics type,2:specified express delivery logistics |
0 |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
3 | Post data can not be empty | Post data can not be empty |
4 | Info data can not be empty | Info data can not be empty |
5 | service is temporarily unavailable | service is temporarily unavailable |
6 | Order has been shipped | Order has been shipped |
7 | The JSON data format is incorrect | The JSON data format is incorrect |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
order_id | string | yes | urlParam | order id |
order_status: 当前订单的状态(在未来的版本中将废弃)
status_name: 订单状态名称
status: 订单新的状态
0 确认中
10 已确认
11 待出库
8 拣货中
9 待打包
5 已打包
2 待交运
3 已交运
4 异常件
24 重发中
19 复核中
21 上架中
23 已取消
track_status_name: 物流轨迹状态名称
track_status: 物流轨迹状态
0 待更新轨迹状态
101 运输途中
111 到达待取
112 派送途中
121 成功签收
131 可能异常
132 运输过久
order_deduction_status: 订单扣费状态
0 未扣费
1 已扣费
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
3 | Order ID can not be empty | order id can not be empty |
4 | Order does not exist | order does not exist |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
page | int | yes | urlParam | page | |
page_size | int | yes | urlParam | page size range 1-100 | |
start | string | yes | urlParam | Start time, query the start time of the order creation time range. | |
end | string | yes | urlParam | End time, query the end time of the order creation time range |
order_status: 当前订单的状态(在未来的版本中将废弃)
status_name: 订单状态名称
status: 订单新的状态
0 确认中
10 已确认
11 待出库
8 拣货中
9 待打包
5 已打包
2 待交运
3 已交运
4 异常件
24 重发中
19 复核中
21 上架中
23 已取消
track_status_name: 物流轨迹状态名称
track_status: 物流轨迹状态
0 待更新轨迹状态
101 运输途中
111 到达待取
112 派送途中
121 成功签收
131 可能异常
132 运输过久
order_deduction_status: 订单扣费状态
0 未扣费
1 已扣费
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
4 | page can not be empty | page can not be empty |
5 | start can not be empty | start can not be empty |
6 | end can not be empty | end can not be empty |
7 | Order does not exist | order does not exist |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
order_id | string | yes | bodyParam | order id | |
remark | string | no | bodyParam | remark |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | The order was successfully cancelled | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
3 | Order ID can not be empty | Order ID can not be empty |
4 | Post data can not be empty | Post data can not be empty |
5 | service is temporarily unavailable | service is temporarily unavailable |
6 | The order is processing,please contact your account manager for cancellation | |
11 | Order has been cancelled,no need to cancel again |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
order_ids | string | yes | bodyParam | order id Array |
data.file_url 订单发货面单的下载地址
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
3 | Order ID array can not be empty | Order ID array can not be empty |
8001 | The number of orders cannot exceed 200 | The number of orders cannot exceed 200 |
8002 | There are no orders that can be exported. Please check the order status, only those that are to be shipped and delivered. |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
order_ids | string | yes | urlParam | customer order id,Multiple comma-delimited |
Get order track info data
track_status_name: 物流轨迹状态名称
track_status: 物流轨迹状态
0 待更新轨迹状态
101 运输途中
111 到达待取
112 派送途中
121 成功签收
131 可能异常
132 运输过久
order_deduction_status: 订单扣费状态
0 未扣费
1 已扣费
error_code: 错误CODE
0 正常
11 订单已经取消
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | |
2 | Apikey does not exist | |
7001 | invalid order id | |
7002 | exceed 40 numbers | |
7003 | error order ids | |
7004 | not found order info | |
7005 | get track info fail |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
sku | string | yes | urlParam | SKU |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
3 | SKU can not be empty | SKU can not be empty |
4 | SKU Inventory does not exist | SKU Inventory does not exist |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
sku | string | yes | urlParam | sku | |
date_start | string | no | urlParam | Start time, query the start time of the log creation time range. | |
date_end | string | no | urlParam | End time, query the end time of the log creation time range | |
type | string | no | urlParam | Log category: 1 inbound,2 outbound | |
sub_type | int | no | urlParam | Log subcategory:1: "Incoming goods warehousing"; 2: "Order cancellation warehousing"; 3: "Returned items warehousing"; 4: "Inventory surplus warehousing"; 5: "Moved in of the warehouse"; 6: "Other warehousing"; 7: "Destruction warehousing"; 8: "Transfer Inbound"; 9: "Transfer Outbound"; 10: "Order outbound"; 11: "Inventory Shortage outbound"; 12: "Moved out of the warehouse"; 13: "Destroy outbound"; 14: "Miscellaneous outbound" | |
page | string | no | urlParam | page | |
limit | string | no | urlParam | limit range 1-100 |
"qty":操作数量 "total_surplus_qty": 当前库存数量 "create_date": 操作时间 "product_id": 产品ID "business_no": 操作单号 "main_type_name": 操作主类型名称 "type_name": 操作子类型名称
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Content-Type | string | yes | header | Content Type | application/json |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
product_id | integer | yes | bodyParam | 产品ID | |
product_name | string | yes | bodyParam | 产品名称 | |
name_cn | string | no | bodyParam | 产品中文名 | |
name_en | string | yes | bodyParam | 产品英文名 | |
product_url | string | yes | bodyParam | 产品图片链接 | |
product_color | string | yes | bodyParam | 产品颜色 | |
product_size | string | yes | bodyParam | 产品尺寸 | |
price | string | yes | bodyParam | 产品价格 | |
ability | interger | yes | bodyParam | 产品属性值:可通过Property List API接口获取对应的属性值 | |
hs_code | string | yes | bodyParam | 海关编码 | |
material | string | yes | bodyParam | 材质英文名 | |
material_cn | string | no | bodyParam | 材质中文名 | |
application | string | yes | bodyParam | 用途英文名 | |
application_cn | string | no | bodyParam | 用途中文名 | |
brand | string | yes | bodyParam | 品牌 | |
warning_quantity | interger | no | bodyParam | 仓库预警数量 | |
scan_sku_code | interger | no | bodyParam | 是否扫描序列号:0为否,1为是 | |
is_pack_material | interger | no | bodyParam | 是否使用耗材:0为否,1为是 | |
pack_material | array | no | bodyParam | 耗材数组 |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
pack_id | ingerger | yes | bodyParam | 耗材ID,可通过Material List API接口获取对应的耗材ID | |
qty | ingerger | yes | bodyParam | 对应产品所需耗材数量 |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
product_id | integer | yes | urlParam | Product ID |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
product_id | integer | no | urlParam | Product ID |
Parameter Name | Types | Description |
pack_id | interger | 耗材ID |
packing_name | string | 耗材名称 |
packing_name_en | string | 耗材英文名称 |
specs | string | 耗材尺寸 |
unit | string | 耗材单位 |
fee | string | 耗材价格 |
img_url | string | 耗材图片 |
weight | string | 耗材重量 |
is_charge | string | 是否收费 |
material_count | string | 对应产品所需耗材数量 |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
本文档描述了通过 www.chinadivision.com API 提供给客户的对接点,这使得订单数据可从客户端系统同步到 www.chinadivision.com 系统。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
Parameter Name | Types | Description |
property_id | interger | 属性ID |
property_name | string | 属性名称 |
property_value | interger | 属性值 |
property_name_en | string | 属性英文名称 |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
Parameter Name | Types | Description |
warehouse_id | interger | 所要入库的仓库ID |
warehouse_name | string | 仓库中文名 |
warehouse_code | interger | 仓库编码 |
warehouse_en | string | 仓库英文名 |
Parameter Name | Types | Description |
warehouse_id | interger | 所要入库的仓库ID |
warehouse_name | string | 仓库中文名 |
warehouse_code | interger | 仓库编码 |
warehouse_en | string | 仓库英文名 |
Parameter Name | Types | Description |
id | interger | 快递公司ID |
name | string | 快递公司中文名 |
name_en | interger | 快递公司英文名 |
code | string | 快递公司编码 |
Parameter Name | Types | Description |
id | interger | 快递公司ID |
name | string | 快递公司中文名 |
name_en | interger | 快递公司英文名 |
code | string | 快递公司编码 |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
You can use this interface to create a warehousing reservation form.
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
express_id | interval | yes | bodyParam | 快递公司ID | 可通过入库预约单基础信息【warehouseList】字段进行获取 |
tracking_number | string | yes | bodyParam | 快递单号 | |
square_number | interval | yes | bodyParam | 货物立方数 | |
warehouse_id | interval | yes | bodyParam | 所要入库的仓库ID | 可通过入库预约单基础信息【warehouseList】字段进行获取 |
plan_arrival_date | string | yes | bodyParam | 预计到达日期 | |
plan_time_slot | string | yes | bodyParam | 预计到达时间段 | 可通过入库预约单基础信息【planTimeSlotList】字段进行获取 |
remark | string | no | bodyParam | 备注 | |
skuList | array | yes | bodyParam | 所要入库预约单sku列表 | 可通过入库预约单基础信息【planTimeSlotList】字段进行获取 |
value_added | array | no | bodyParam | 增值服务值 | |
other_remark | array | no | bodyParam | 其他备注 | 增值服务选择其他时,需填 |
insurance | array | no | bodyParam | 商品保险服务申报数据 |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
box_no | interval | yes | bodyParam | 箱号 | |
sku | string | yes | bodyParam | sku编码 | |
quantity | string | yes | bodyParam | 当前箱sku数量 | |
total | string | yes | bodyParam | 当前箱所有sku总数量 |
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
declared_value | interval | yes | bodyParam | sku申报价 | |
product_id | interval | yes | bodyParam | 产品ID | |
quantity | interval | yes | bodyParam | 当前预约单sku总数量 |
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
本文档旨在说明,在启用webhook钩子并设置好webhook URL后,当ChinaDivision系统中的订单发生订单状态或扣费状态的变化时,将向设置的webhook URL推送订单信息,消息最大推送次数为10次,推送时以5秒内返回HTTP状态码为200代表接收成功,否则将视为失败,届时会重新推送直至10次后才会停止。
进入 www.chinadivision.com 系统并登录您的账号,进入后台,点击右上角设置-Webhook链接,并在弹窗中填写您的webhook URL和勾选指定的更新事件。保存设置后,系统将推送一条测试消息,您可以在webhook URL接收到推送的消息。
Parameter Name | Types | Required | Parameter Location | Description | Defaults |
apikey | string | yes | header | API Key | your apikey |
chinadivision-topic | string | yes | header | webhook event, eg. order.updated | order.deductionStatusUpdated |
order_status: 当前订单的状态(在未来的版本中将废弃)
status_name: 订单状态名称
status: 订单新的状态
0 确认中
10 已确认
11 待出库
8 拣货中
9 待打包
5 已打包
2 待交运
3 已交运
4 异常件
24 重发中
19 复核中
21 上架中
23 已取消
track_status_name: 物流轨迹状态名称
track_status: 物流轨迹状态
0 待更新轨迹状态
101 运输途中
111 到达待取
112 派送途中
121 成功签收
131 可能异常
132 运输过久
order_deduction_status: 订单扣费状态
0 未扣费
1 已扣费
Error Code | Error Code Returns | Description |
0 | success | success |
1 | Apikey can not be empty | apikey can not be empty |
2 | Apikey does not exist | apikey does not exist |
3 | start can not be empty | start can not be empty |
4 | end can not be empty | end can not be empty |
我们的 API 可轻松连接您的系统,并允许根据您独特的业务需求定制工作流程。
API 始终遵循最新的技术进步,适应不断变化的业务需求。