CFS user guideline
This is the beta version of our CFS(Chinadivision Fulfillment System) user guideline, we will keep updating this page to give you more details on our fulfillment system.
1.Click button folding menu;
2.Account, click to see the User Center Operation Guide, account top up, and exit account;
3.User center guidelines, click”Add new SKU” and “Inventory” redirect to “Products” page, then click “Create new ASN(Order)” and “Processing” redirecting to” Order”;
4.Total product quantity;
5.Available amount;
6.Total complete quantity;
7.Total inventory;
8.World map;
9.Inventory change chart;
10.Login information;
11.Latest orders;
12.Send us an email.
1.SKUs(Click”SKUs”to switch)
1.1.Find the details in SKUs, you will see "Product ID", "Create Time", "SKU", "Product Name", "Size", "Color", "Remark", "Supplier", "Quantity", "Sent Quantity", "Stock", "Operation";
1.2.Search and export SKUs by date range criteria;
1.3.User ceSearch for SKU via a SKU name;
1.4.Click ‘Inventory List’ to find out SKU Inventory List.
2.Packages(Click”Packages”to switch)
2.1. Find the details in Package, you will see "Package ID", "Package Number", "Tracking Number", "Shipping Method", "Quantity", "Date Added", "Status", "Remark", "SKU", "SKU Quantity";
2.2.Search and export Package by date range criteria;
2.3.Search for Package via Tracking Number.
1.Orders(Click “Orders” to switch)
1.1.Click "Delete" then select Order to Delete;
1.2.Click "Download Data" to download the Orders Data;
1.3.Find the details in Orders, you will see "Upload Date", "Order ID", "Recipient", "Consignee", "Item Quantity", "Status", "Freight", "Operation";
1.4.Click "Country", "Shipping Method", "Recipient name", "Recipient mailbox","Search and export Ords by date range criteria";
1.5.Search for Order by "Order ID";
1.6.Filter Orders through “Status” condition;
1.7.Click "Detail" to view the Order;
1.8.Click "Delete" to Delete the Order.
2.List(Click “List” to switch)
2.1.Click "Download Consignee Template" to Download the table for editing;
2.2.Click "Upload Consignee" to Upload the edited table;
2.3.Find the details in List, you will see "ID", "Upload Date", "Consignee", "Quantity", "Sent Quantity", "Status", "Freight", "Operation";
2.4.Search for Order by "Order ID";
2.5.Click "Detail" to view the List;
2.6.Click "Delete" to Delete the List.
1.Transaction History(Click “Transaction History” to switch)
1.1.Available amount;
1.2.Find the details in Transaction History,you will see”Transaction Date”,”ID”,”Order ID”,”Amount”,”Balance” and “Remark”.
2.Transfer Details(Click “Transfer Details” to switch)
2.1.Find the details in Transfer Details, you will see"ID", "Remittance", "Remittance", "Currency", "Method Of Payment", "money-received Bank Slip", "Currency", "money-received Date", "Status", “Editing Time”, “Updating Time”;
2.2.Click enter ‘Add remittance details’ to add Remittance details.
1.CITIC BANK(Click “CITIC BANK” to switch)
1.1.Find the details in “CITIC BANK”,you will see “Beneficiary's Name”,“Beneficiary's Bank”,”Bank Account”, “SWIFT Code”, “Bank Address”, Please contact your sales manager after top up.
2.Paypal(Click “Paypal” to switch)
2.1.For using Paypal to top up, please get in touch with your sales manager.
3.Alipay(Click “Alipay” to switch)
3.1.For using Alipay to top up, please get in touch with your sales manager.
4.Wechat(Click “Wechat” to switch)
4.1.Scanning Wechat QR code to top up, Please contact your sales manager after top up.
1.API(Click “API” to switch)
1.1.Check Apikey.
2.Change Password(Click “Change Password” to switch)
2.1.Current Password;
2.2.New Password;
2.3.Re-type New Password;
2.4.Click“Change Password”to complete password change.
eBay( ignore if you are non-eBay store users)
1.Click”Add eBay store”to add a eBay store;
2.Find the details in eBay store, you will see “No.”,“eBay Store”,“Token expire”,“Refresh token”,“Operate”;
3.Click”SandBox”redirect to SandBox eBay Store;
4.Click”Refresh token”for a Refresh token;
5.Click”Delete”to delete an eBay Store.
1.Monthly shipping statistics(Click “Monthly shipping statistics” to switch)
1.1.Monthly Order Table Month and quantity chart, abscissa:month, ordinate: order quantity;
1.2.Monthly Freight Chart Month and freight amount chart, abscissa:month,ordinate: freight amount;
1.3.Search by Month condition, and display the chart of the order and freight amount after searching;
1.4.Click button,You will see "Print chart", "Download PNG image", "Download JPEG image", "Download PDF image", "Download SVG vector image", "Download CSV", "Download XLS", "View data table", "Open in Highcharts Cloud";
1.5.Find shipping details,you will see”Month”,”Quantity of Orders”,”Total freight”,”For more details, please click here”;
1.6.Click”Country Statistics”redirecting to”Statistics according to Countries”.
1.6.1.Current Monthly Order: Country and Quantity Chart, abscissa: country, ordinate: order quantity;
1.6.2.Current Monthly Freight Amount: Country and Freight Amount Chart, abscissa: country, ordinate: freight amount;
1.6.3.Click button, you will see "Print chart", "Download PNG image", "Download JPEG image", "Download PDF image", "Download SVG vector image", "Download CSV", "Download XLS", "View data table", "Open in Highcharts Cloud";
1.6.4.View shipping details by country for the current month, you will see "Country", "Quantity of Orders", "Total Freight", "Shipping Method", "Quantity", "Freight", "For more details, please click here";
1.6.5.Click”Sku Statistics”redirecting to”Monthly SKU-Shipped Quantity Statistics”. current month SKU shipment details,you will see”SKU”,”Quantity”.
2.Monthly Expenses Statistics(Click “Monthly Expenses Statistics” to switch)
2.1.Check the billing details, including"Date", "Expenses Description", "money-in" (" Last Month Balance ", "Received in This Month", "Returning The Extra fee"), "money-out" (" Freight ", "Sevice fee", "Warehouse fee"), "Balance";
2.2.Select “Daily batch orders” then select a starting month searching and exporting Daily Batch Orders Details;
2.3.Select “Single orders” then select a starting month searching and exporting Single Orders Details.
1.Rate your sales manager with stars, 5 stars means highly satisfied;
2.Click and enter: To improve our services, we would like to hear more from you;
3.Click “submit” to submit your opinion.
Professional Chinese Product Sourcing Agent Team
With the procurement capabilities of Chinadivision, you will have a professional team of experts who purchase products from China, building a good communication bridge for you. You will not need to come to China to have a detailed understanding of the production and quality issues of Chinese products, assist in judging and verifying the reliability of suppliers, find the most favorable prices in low-cost countries, solve cross-border procurement problems, save costs, and expand your business into new fields.
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