Consignment Inventory: the Key to Unlock E-commerce and Retail

Aug 12,2024
Industry News
How does consignment inventory work and what is the difference with vendor-managed inventory? How do I determine if consignment inventory is suitable for my business

Can consignment inventory really help me reduce the risk of inventory backlog? How to ensure the safety of goods during the consignment process? Is my business suitable for the consignment inventory model? These questions bother many companies and e-commerce sellers. Today, we will analyze consignment inventory in depth, answer your most concerned questions, and make consignment inventory a powerful booster for your business growth.

Inventory costs often occupy a large part of the budget, and inventory backlogs may affect cash flow and profits. In this context, "consignment inventory" as a flexible inventory management method is increasingly favored by companies.

What is consignment inventory?

Consignment inventory means that the consignor (supplier) delivers the goods to the retailer or third-party warehouse, but the ownership still belongs to the consignor before the sale. The retailer only pays the consignor for the goods after the goods are sold, and assumes the responsibility of inventory management and sales. This model effectively reduces the initial capital pressure of retailers, while allowing consignors to control inventory more flexibly.

How does consignment inventory work?

Under the consignment model, the consignor signs an agreement with the retailer to clarify the sales conditions, price, and profit-sharing ratio of the goods. The operation process of consignment inventory usually includes: the consignor transports the goods to the designated warehouse, and the warehouse is responsible for the storage, classification, packaging and other management of the goods. When the retailer or e-commerce platform receives the order, the warehouse picks, packs and ships according to the instructions. The goods are delivered to the retailer, but the settlement is not immediate. After the goods are sold, the retailer pays the consignor for the goods, and the ownership is transferred to the retailer after the consignor confirms the receipt of the payment.

consignment inventory

Consignment inventory usually involves the following process

Agreement: The supplier and the retailer agree on the consignment products, quantities and terms of the agreement.

Delivery: The supplier delivers the goods to the retailer's location.

Sales: The retailer sells the products to the customer.

Payment: The retailer remits the money for the goods sold to the supplier.

Returns: Unsold goods are returned to the supplier or handled according to the agreement.

When is consignment inventory used?

Products with seasonal or uncertain demand: Avoid insufficient inventory during peak seasons and overstocking during off-seasons. Or when testing the market response of new products without taking inventory risks.

High-value or slow-selling products: Retailers can provide a wider range of products without investing a lot of upfront costs, reducing capital occupation and reducing risks.

Fast-changing markets: Improve response speed and flexibly adjust sales strategies.

Cross-border e-commerce: Simplify cross-border logistics processes and speed up customs clearance.

Supply chain optimization: Suppliers can improve inventory turnover and reduce inventory.

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of consignment inventory

For retailers:

Advantages: No need to pay a large amount of inventory costs in advance, reduce inventory costs, and improve capital turnover; reduce inventory backlog risks; flexibly adjust the types and quantities of goods, and respond quickly to market demand.

Disadvantages: You may need to bear higher warehousing and management costs; high inventory monitoring requirements to avoid out-of-stock or overstock. Sales pressure increases, and goods need to be sold within the agreement period; at the same time, inventory and sales data need to be carefully managed.

For shippers:

Advantages: Accelerate the speed of capital recovery; flexibly adjust production plans; expand sales channels and market coverage, and increase product exposure.

Disadvantages: The collection cycle may be long, affecting cash flow. It relies heavily on the sales ability of retailers. Loss of direct control over merchandise sales; may face the risk of returns and inventory backlogs.

How to manage consignment inventory?

Effective consignment inventory management is inseparable from advanced inventory management systems (IMS) and close supply chain collaboration. Using digital tools, inventory status can be monitored in real time, demand changes can be predicted, and replenishment strategies can be optimized. At the same time, cooperation with professional third-party logistics service providers such as chinadivision can further improve the efficiency and accuracy of inventory management.

Are goods on consignment included in inventory?

From an accounting perspective, consignment inventory is usually not included in the retailer's inventory because it is still legally owned by the shipper. However, in actual operations, retailers need to track the changes in these inventories to ensure the smooth operation of the supply chain.

Difference between consignment inventory and vendor-managed inventory (VMI)

In the VMI model, the supplier is responsible for monitoring and managing the retailer's inventory level and replenishing it according to demand forecasts. Consignment inventory is the consignor who deposits the goods in the retailer or third-party warehouse and waits for settlement after sales.

VMI focuses more on the coordination and forecasting capabilities of the supply chain, while consignment inventory focuses on reducing the inventory risk and capital occupation of retailers. VMI is usually used between long-term suppliers and retailers, while consignment inventory is more suitable for new or uncertain partnerships.

How to determine whether consignment inventory is suitable for my business?

To evaluate whether consignment inventory is suitable for your business, you need to consider many factors such as market demand, product characteristics, financial status and supply chain management capabilities. If your products are highly seasonal, high-value or market demand changes rapidly, and you want to reduce inventory risk and capital occupation, then consignment inventory may be a good choice.

Consignment inventory will be beneficial if the following situations occur: when your storage space is limited, or you want to offer a wider range of products, or there is uncertain product demand, and when you want to improve cash flow, then consignment inventory can reflect its value. However, before implementing a consignment plan, you must carefully evaluate your business needs and potential risks.

How does chinadivision help consignment inventory complete delivery?

As a professional cross-border e-commerce logistics service provider, chinadivision provides a one-stop solution from warehousing, picking, packaging to global distribution. Adopt flexible logistics solutions to meet the special needs of consignment inventory. Provide real-time inventory management and tracking systems to ensure inventory accuracy.

Through an efficient inventory management system and a global logistics network, we can help you achieve refined management of consignment inventory and ensure that goods are delivered to consumers safely and quickly. Whether you want to reduce inventory costs or improve customer satisfaction, chinadivision will be your reliable partner.

As a flexible inventory management model, consignment inventory is gradually becoming an important choice for enterprises and e-commerce sellers to optimize inventory strategies. By deeply understanding its operating mechanism, advantages and disadvantages, and applicable scenarios, combined with professional logistics management services, you will be able to fully utilize the advantages of consignment inventory and drive sustained business growth. If you have more questions about consignment inventory management or need professional logistics service support, please contact ChinaDivision. We look forward to working with you to jointly promote the development of your business.

About the Author: Limi

About the Author: Limi

Limi is a content marketing expert at ChinaDivision, helping businesses and e-commerce sellers navigate the complexities of international shipping by providing actionable tips and comprehensive guides on logistics, shipping, and cargo transportation.