Cross-Border Logistics Tariff Guide: Tariff Changes in Various Countries

Sep 25,2023
Industry News
In the ever-evolving world of global trade, staying up-to-date with the latest tariff changes is not just a competitive advantage

In the ever-evolving world of global trade, staying up-to-date with the latest tariff changes is not just a competitive advantage; it's a necessity. If you're a third-party logistics service provider, you understand that navigating the intricate landscape of cross-border tariffs can be challenging. 

In this guide, we've compiled the most up-to-date and crucial information on tariff changes in various countries. Whether you're a seasoned logistics veteran or just starting your journey in the industry, our goal is to help you streamline your operations, minimize costs, and keep your business on the cutting edge of international trade.

A smooth and efficient cross-border logistics operation, where shipments flow seamlessly across international boundaries, and tariffs are no longer a maze of confusion. Sounds like a logistics professional's dream, doesn't it?


Imposing preliminary anti-dumping duties on tin-plated steel imported from China

According to multiple foreign media reports from the Global Times, the U.S. Department of Commerce stated on August 17, local time, that it will impose preliminary anti-dumping duties on tin-plated steel imported from China, Germany, and Canada. The reason is that tin-plated steel from China, Canada, and Germany Steel producers are selling these products at less than "fair market value," which is what they sell in foreign markets for less than what they sell in their home markets.

Among them, China will face a tax rate of 122.5%, Germany will face a tax rate of 7.02%, and Canada will face a tax rate of 5.29%.


Increased import tariffs on 392 items

The President of Mexico recently signed a decree to increase import prices for steel, aluminum, bamboo products, rubber, chemical products, oil, soap, paper, cardboard, ceramic products, glass, electrical equipment, musical instruments and furniture starting from August 16. of most-favored-nation tariffs.

The decree will increase import tariffs applicable to 392 tariff items. Almost all products in these tariff items are now subject to a 25% import tariff, and only certain textiles will be subject to a 15% tariff.

This modification to the import tariff rate will take effect on August 16, 2023 and will end on July 31, 2025.


Plan to reduce import taxes on electric vehicles

The Associated Press reported on August 25 that people familiar with the matter said that India is formulating a new electric vehicle policy to reduce import taxes for automakers that commit to local production in India.

Two sources said the policy under consideration could allow eligible automakers to import electric vehicles at a tax rate as low as 15%.

Currently, India imposes a 100% tariff on imported cars priced above $40,000, and a 70% tariff on the remaining cars.

20% export tariff on parboiled rice

On August 25, documents released by the Indian government showed that it imposed a 20% export tariff on parboiled rice (also known as parboiled rice), which took effect immediately.

The move is likely to further reduce Indian rice exports and push up global rice prices, which are already close to their highest levels in 12 years.

40% export tariff imposed on onions

According to news from the Associated Press on August 19, India announced that it would impose a 40% export tariff on onions. The export tax will take effect immediately and will be valid until December 31.

Cross-Border Logistics Tariff Guide

Raise profits tax on crude oil and other products

Since August 15, India has raised the windfall profit tax on crude oil from 4,250 rupees to 7,100 rupees per ton; the windfall profit tax on diesel from 1 rupee per ton to 5.5 rupees; and the windfall profit tax on aviation turbine fuel from 0 rupees per liter to 2 rupee.

Consider reducing wheat import tariffs

On August 4, local time, Sanjeev Chopra, a senior official at the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution of India, said that India is considering reducing or canceling its 40% wheat import tax.

Imposing anti-dumping duties on China-related non-dispersion shifted single-mode optical fiber

On August 3, the Revenue Bureau of the Ministry of Finance of India issued a notice stating that it accepted the affirmative final anti-dumping decision made by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India on May 5, 2023, on non-dispersion shifted single-mode optical fiber originating in or imported from China, Indonesia, and South Korea. According to the sanctions recommendation, it was decided to impose anti-dumping duties on the products involved in the above-mentioned countries for a period of 5 years.

Among them, China is 122.41 to 537.30 US dollars/KFKM, South Korea is 807.88 US dollars/KFKM, and Indonesia is 857.23 US dollars/KFKM. The products involved are non-dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fiber (G.652) and bend-insensitive single-mode optical fiber (G.657).

Plan to impose countervailing duties on Bangladeshi jute and jute products

Bangladesh's "Daily Star" reported on August 21 that recently, India claimed that the domestic jute industry had suffered losses due to Bangladesh's jute subsidies and planned to impose countervailing duties (CVD) on Bangladeshi jute and jute products exporters.

the Philippines

Plans to impose zero tariffs on all electric vehicles starting next year

According to the Manila Times of the Philippines, on August 16, Patrick Aquino, director of the Energy Utilization Administration of the Philippine Department of Energy, said that he has formally submitted a proposal to the Tariff Commission (TC) to extend zero-tariff coverage to all imported electric vehicles, including Two-wheel and three-wheel pure electric vehicles (BEV), hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) to achieve the goals of the Electric Vehicle Industry Development Act. The current zero-tariff policy for imported cars in the Philippines only covers pure electric vehicles.


Plans to implement 0% export tax and 0% value-added tax for electric vehicle manufacturers

According to a Bloomberg report on August 11, Indonesia is said to be planning to introduce more tax incentives to attract global electric vehicle manufacturers to enhance its appeal to top manufacturers including Tesla and BYD.

According to people familiar with the matter, the Indonesian government has agreed to provide 0% export tariff and value-added tax exemption to electric vehicle manufacturers established onshore. It is unclear how long the preferential policy will last and whether there will be other conditions attached.


Increase oil export tariffs

On August 15, local time, the Russian Ministry of Finance announced that it plans to increase the export tax on crude oil and fuel oil by US$21.40 per ton (equivalent to approximately US$2.92 per barrel) next month, an increase of 26.6% from August, reaching the highest level this year. the highest level.

Extension of export duties on sunflower seeds and sunflower oil

Recently, Russia announced the extension of export tariffs on sunflower seeds, floating tariffs on sunflower oil and restrictions on rapeseed exports. The measures were due to expire on August 31 and were intended to protect the domestic market. Before August 31, 2024, the export tariff on sunflower seeds will remain at 50%, but not less than US$320 per ton.

Sverdlovsk region will exempt institutions building new gas installations from property taxes for three tax periods

According to TASS news on August 2, Russia’s Sverdlovsk Oblast will exempt institutions that build new natural gas facilities in 2024 from property taxes for three tax periods.

According to the 2021-2030 state natural gas facilities implementation plan, the construction costs of natural gas facilities will be supported by the government to achieve the goal of connecting 92,000 households to the natural gas network in 2030.

European Union

Imposing anti-dumping duties on Chinese tungsten carbide and fused tungsten carbide

On August 9, the European Commission issued an announcement stating that it had made the fourth anti-dumping sunset review final ruling on tungsten carbide and fused tungsten carbide originating in China. It ruled that if the anti-dumping measures are cancelled, the dumping of the products involved will cause damage to the EU industry. It continues or happens again, so it was decided to continue to impose a 33% anti-dumping tax on the Chinese products involved.


25% tariff will be levied on imported clothing

Recently, Kenya announced plans to impose a 25% tariff on imported clothing in order to revive the domestic textile industry. Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria said the new taxes would discourage Kenyans from relying on imported clothing and encourage them to buy locally produced clothing.


Crude palm oil export tariff in September is 8.0%

Foreign media reported on August 22 that a notice issued by the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) showed that Malaysia’s crude palm oil export tax remained unchanged at 8% in September.


Continue to impose 1% import tariff on rice

The recently held 44th annual conference of the Association of Nepal Rice, Oil and Pulses Industries (ANROPI) decided to maintain the rice import tariff at 1% and coordinate with the government to make arrangements with the Indian government to increase India's rice production. In addition, the meeting also passed a resolution to maintain the import tariff on beans at 2%, maintain the export incentives for beans, and take necessary measures to adjust the price of imported beans.


Imposing anti-dumping duties on imported sugar from some Thai producers

Vietnam’s Ministry of Trade said on August 8 that Vietnam has imposed anti-dumping duties of 25.73% to 32.75% on sugar products imported from some of Thailand’s largest sugar producers, which will be effective for nearly three years, from August 18, 2023 to June 15, 2026. day.


A new round of tariff reductions and exemptions for goods imported from the EU

Cameroon’s Ministry of Finance announced on August 3 that under the framework of the Economic Partnership Agreement (APE) signed between Cameroon and the European Union, starting from August 4, Cameroon’s imports from the EU will enter the eighth phase of tariff reductions. This means that tariffs on the second category of products exported by the EU to Cameroon will be completely eliminated, and tariffs on the third category of products will be reduced by 40%.

The second category of products mainly includes gypsum, lime, marble, lime clinker, wire, generators and rotary converters, machinery and electrical appliances, motor vehicles for transporting goods (trucks, etc.), trailers and semi-trailers, trolleys, parts Vehicle parts and accessories (bumpers, belts, brakes, wheels, clutches).

The third category of products is mainly commercial vehicles, fuel, motorcycles and cement.


Imposing a 40% excess profit tax on banks

Bloomberg reported that the Italian government announced a 40% tax on banks’ excess profits on the evening of August 7. This tax targets the interest overcharged by banks after the European Central Bank raised interest rates. Analysts said the decree could cost banks about 2 billion euros.


There may be tax breaks for batteries and semiconductors

According to Reuters, on August 11, Japan's "Economic News" reported that Japan plans to implement tax relief policies for domestically produced electric vehicle batteries and semiconductors from April 2024 to enhance economic security.

Reuters pointed out that this move is to follow similar industrial policies in the United States and the European Union, aiming to encourage companies to move production back home, and will also promote Japan's energy transformation.


Halve the “carbon tax” on foreign tourists

Recently, Bhutan announced that starting from September this year, the country’s daily charges for foreign tourists will be halved, from US$200 (approximately RMB 1,460) per person per day a year ago to US$100 for four years.


Plan to tax industrial carbon emissions

According to a report from the compiled version of the Bangkok Post on August 11, Ekniti, director of the consumption tax department of the Thai Ministry of Finance, said that he is conducting joint research with the Thai Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Greenhouse Gas Management Organization to draft and formulate the Thai carbon emission tax collection method.

The carbon emissions tax would be levied on products such as coal, petroleum products, natural gas and other fossil fuels that produce carbon dioxide.


Announcing an increase in the income tax threshold

Argentina’s National News Agency and Silhouette reported on August 3 that the Ministry of Economy of Argentina announced that the threshold for personal income tax would be raised to 700,875 pesos, and the tax rate would be increased by 35%. Both the threshold and tax rate will be retroactive to January 2023, and the excess tax will Will be returned in August-September. The report pointed out that this is the third time this year that the Afghan government has raised the income tax threshold.

About the Author: Limi

About the Author: Limi

Limi is a content marketing expert at ChinaDivision, helping businesses and e-commerce sellers navigate the complexities of international shipping by providing actionable tips and comprehensive guides on logistics, shipping, and cargo transportation.