Strike in Finland May Change Cargo Transportation Destinations

Mar 15,2024
Industry News
The Finnish Transport Workers Union went on strike, affecting the import and export business in Port-au-Prince, and customers were unable to enter the port for loading and unloading containers

Strike in Finland: The Finnish Transport Workers Union (AKT) plans to hold a strike from March 11 to March 25, which will force all Finnish ports to close for two weeks. The strike against amendments to labor legislation proposed by the country's government will have widespread impacts on Finland's industry and services.

The strike will force all Finnish ports to close for two weeks, affecting Finnish industry and services, especially cargo transportation at ports and freight rail services. About 7,000 employees will participate in the strike.

Strike in Finland

In response to the challenges faced by Haiti's civil unrest, it has affected the import and export business of Port-au-Prince, and customers are unable to enter the port for loading and unloading containers. Several industry associations in Finland strongly criticized the strike, believing that it poses a serious threat to the Finnish economy and may cause irreparable damage.

The strike by the Finnish Transport Workers Union and the continued development of civil unrest in Haiti have had a considerable impact on the global supply chain. Faced with this situation, we have to rethink the response strategies and future development of the logistics industry.

In response to the strike in Finland, chinadivision’s logistics adjustment plan:

Advance notification and communication

For goods planned to pass through Finnish ports, chinadivision has notified customers in advance and provided alternative transportation options, such as choosing other European ports for transshipment or using land transportation.

Consider alternatives

Given that Finnish ports are closed, you may consider changing the destination of your shipment. If there are other alternative ports, the route can be adjusted to avoid being affected by the strike.

Risk assessment and cost adjustment

After assessing the potential impact of the strike on the logistics chain, including delays, cost increases, etc., chinadivision will negotiate with customers as soon as possible to adjust transportation costs and delivery times. For example, the cost of rerouting.

Diversified transportation strategy

Consider adopting a diversified transportation strategy to reduce reliance on a single port or route, such as using China-Europe freight trains and ports in other European countries.

Strengthen monitoring and emergency response

Pay close attention to the development of the situation in Finland and Haiti, establish an emergency response mechanism, and respond to possible logistics disruptions in a timely manner. And keep in close contact with local partners to understand the real-time situation and obtain the latest logistics information and possible alternatives. At the same time, in daily operations, we strengthen the resilience and flexibility of the supply chain and reduce the impact of external events on logistics through diversified suppliers and inventory strategies.

In the future, chinadivision will pay more attention to the resilience and flexibility of the supply chain and reduce the impact of external events on logistics through diversified suppliers and inventory strategies. At the same time, we should also strengthen technological innovation and talent training to improve the overall efficiency and competitiveness of the logistics industry.

About the Author: Limi

About the Author: Limi

Limi is a content marketing expert at ChinaDivision, helping businesses and e-commerce sellers navigate the complexities of international shipping by providing actionable tips and comprehensive guides on logistics, shipping, and cargo transportation.