Choose Chinadivision Integration Plugin to Handle Wordpress Order Fulfillment

Simplify your WordPress e-commerce operations with Chinadivision's powerful integration plugin. Easily connect your store, automate the fulfillment process, and provide fast and reliable shipping to your customers. Seamlessly connect your store to shorten delivery time, reduce costs, and expand your e-commerce operations.

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ChinaDivision WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

1.The necessary configuration

a)Website system is WordPress;

b)PHP supports CURL extension.

Get plug-in code (

2.The installation steps

a)Add plugin, please follow the steps in the graph below, only seven steps. If will cost about one minute :

add plugin install plugin

Now, you can see Chinadivision plug-in button area:

chinadivision plugin button area

Congratulations, you have successfully installed Chinadivision plugin! Please continue to look at the Instruction below.


a)Setting apikey

First, Login Chinadivision please, goto the User Center then copy the api key setting page:

set apikey set apikey

Second, back to your site, fill in the apikey:

fill in apikey

b)Create Order

create order

c)Create SKU

create sku

4.After the "Create SKU" or "Create Order" steps, you can click the "Go to Chinadivision" button to verify SKU and order information in the ChinaDivision User Center.

ChinaDivision WordPress Logistics Integration: Simplify Your E-Commerce Operations

Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Avoid out-of-stock or over-stock situations by tracking inventory in real time through the merchant dashboard.

Shorten Delivery Time

Shorten Delivery Time

Automatically send orders to the warehouse closest to your customers to reduce shipping time and costs.

Simplify Fulfillment

Simplify Fulfillment

Chinadivision's WordPress integration plugin will simplify your fulfillment process and seamlessly connect order information.

By entrusting your WordPress fulfillment to ChinaDivision

Increase customer satisfaction Increase customer satisfaction

Deliver orders faster and more reliably.

Reduce Costs Reduce Costs

Optimize your shipping and fulfillment processes to save money.

Grow Your Business Grow Your Business

Focus on growing your online store, we take care of the logistics.

Chinadivision wordpress integration